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Welcome to Traffic + Parking 2021


Traffic + Parking is the best place to learn about the latest policy, legislative and technology developments in parking, kerbside and urban traffic management

Restart, recovery and revolutions

Parking and traffic management is an essential public service at the forefront of reducing traffic congestion, delivering safer and healthier streets, and enabling new approaches to mobility.

The traffic and parking sector has played a central role in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Towns and cities across the UK implemented an impressive range of emergency traffic and street-scene measures, including pop-up cycleways and wider pavements to make cycling and walking safer, while supporting the logistics sector in maintaining essential supplies and services.


Meanwhile, the parking sector enabled the NHS Test & Trace programme by hosting drive-through testing centres. The sector also ensured key workers from the NHS and care sectors were able to access free parking.


Moving forward, the traffic and parking sector is playing a vital role in enabling the recovery, helping the public safely access retail, leisure and education services are opened up. From touchless payment and the pre-booking of spaces, online deliveries for homeworkers, and the sensitive enforcement of fines and debts, many of the new ways of working adopted during the lockdowns will become commonplace as society reopens and the economy restarts.


The pandemic encouraged an openness to new ways of working and shopping. This means politicians, planners, businesses and the public are receptive to an acceleration in the adoption of electric motoring, clean air schemes, the smarter use of data, active travel and the adoption of shared and micro-mobility services.


Revolution will be the new normal.


A series of presentations and discussion forums...

  • The future of cars in towns and cities

  • Managing access to the kerbside 

  • Trends on cashless payment for parking

  • The evolution of electric vehicle charging infrastructure

  • The pros and cons of e-scooters in the urban realm

  • Understanding driver behaviour and misbehaviour



Meet peers, colleagues and other professionals in groups and individually in both structured discussions and at informal networking sessions.



The exhibition enables attendees to check out the latest systems and services for the sector.

Local authority officers, councillors, policymakers, contractors, technologists, academics, consultants and campaigners will attend Traffic + Parking.

Showcasing innovations defining the sector

Traffic + Parking 2021 provides your company with the perfect opportunity to carefully target the marketing of your products and services to those within the smart city planning, active travel, intelligent mobility and parking sectors.

Senior parking managers, transport planners, and urban professionals attend this industry leading conference and exhibition to learn about new technologies, discover new services and source suppliers.

Book now! 

Contact Jason Conboy, Commercial Development Manager on 020 7091 7895 or email



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